This is a lot of 55 chromolithograph prints from the 1878 book Studer's Popular Ornithology: The Birds Of North America.
Here are the details:
Size: Print area, 9" X 12"; Full sheet, 11 1/2" X 14 3/4"
Here are the included prints:
Roman numeral is on each print. The names of the birds are as named in the text of the book.
Plate XII / 12; 
Baltimore Oriole; Orchard Oriole; Indigo Blue Bird; and Hooded Fly-catcher
Plate XVII / 17; Cinereous Coot
Plate XXI / 21; Long-tailed Duck
Plate XXXII / 32; Great Crested Fly-catcher; Red-Bellied Woodpecker; and Chicadee / Black-capped Titmouse
Plate XXXIII / 33; American Bittern; and Red-winged Starling
Plate XXXIV / 34; Red-headed Duck; and Bobolink, or Rice-bird
Plate XXXV / 35; Golden-eyed Duck
Plate XXXVI / 36; 
Blue Yellow-backed Warbler; Black and Yellow Warbler; Blackburnian Warbler; Hermit Thrush; White-throated Sparrow, or Peabody-bird; White-crowned Sparrow; and Winter Wren
Plate XXXVIII / 38; Chestnut-sided Warbler; Black-polled Warbler; Yellow-rumped Warbler; Snow-bird; Red, or American Cross-bill; and Pine Grosbeak
Plate XL / 40; Least Bittern; Sanderling, or Ruddy Plover; Killdeer Plover; Piping Ringed Plover; and Semi-palmated, Ring, or Ring-neck Plover
Plate XLI / 41; Red-breasted Sandpiper; American Dunlin; Golden Plover; and Black-bellied Plover
Plate XLII / 42; 
Florida Galliule; and Oyster Catcher
Plate XLIII / 43; Frigate, or Man-of-war Bird
Plate XLV / 45; 
Turnstone; Esquimaux Curlew; and Hudsonian Curlew
Plate XLVI / 46; Long-billed Curlew--Sickle-bill; and Willet, Semipalmated Tattler, or Stone Snipe
Plate XLVII / 47; 
Green Black-capped Fly-catcher; Pine Warbler; Blue Golden-winged Warbler; Worm-eating Warbler; Golden-crowned Kinglet; Ruby-crowned Kinglet; Canadian Fly-catcher; Blue-winged Yellow Warbler; Cape May Warbler; Tennessee Warbler; Golden Warbler, Blue-eyed Yellow Warbler, Summer Yellow-bird; and Palm, or Yellow Red-poll Warbler
Plate XLIX / 49; Savanna Sparrow; Pine Finch; Field Sparrow; Sea-side Finch; Yellow-throated Vireo; Blue-headed, or Solitary Vireo; White-eyed Vireo; Red-eyed Vireo; Warbling Vireo; and Least Flycatcher
Plate L / 50; Olive-sided Flycatcher; Red-bellied Nuthatch; Wood Pewee; Traill's Flycatcher; Pewit Flycatcher, or Phoebe-bird; and Mourning Turtle, or Carolina Dove
Plate LI / 51; White Pelican
Plate LII / 52; Spoonbill, or Shoveller Duck; Mallard Duck - Wild Duck; Pectoral Sandpiper-Meadow Snipe-Gross Snipe-Jack Snipe; Jackdaw-Boat-tailed Grackle-Great Crow Blackbird; Crow Blackbird-Purple Grackle; Rusty Grackle, or Blackbird; Cowpen-bird-Cow-bird-Cow-blackbird-Cowpen Bunting; Great Carolina Wren; and Northern House Wren-Wood Wren
Plate LVI / 56; 
Cedar Bird; Black-throated Bunting; Tit-lark-American Pipit; Shore Lark; Connecticut Warbler; Fox-colored Sparrow; House Wren; and Red-eyed Ground Robin-Chewink or Cheree-Towhee Bunting
Plate LVIII / 58; Sharp-shinned Hawk-Pigeon Hawk; Broad-winged Hawk, or Buzzard; Dusky Duck-Black Duck; and Hudsonian, or Black-tailed Godwit
Plate LXI / 61; White-fronted Goose-Speckle-belly; Short-billed Marsh Wren; Cayenne Tern-Royal Tern; Red Phalarope; and American Avocet
Plate LXII / 62; American Widgeon; Green-winged Teal; American Snipe; Louisiana Water Thrush; and Short-billed Water Thrush
Plate LXIII / 63; Canvas-back Duck; Bank Swallow; Cliff Swallow; Rough-winged Swallow, etc.
Plate LXIV / 64; 
Cinnamon Teal-Red-breasted Teal; Anhinga-Snake-bird-Water-turkey-Darter; Brewer's Blackbird-Blue-headed Grackle; Brown-headed Nuthatch; Kentucky Warbler; Sandwich Tern; and Painted Bunting-Nonpareil
Plate LXVII / 67; Raven; Common Crow; Canada Jay; Robin or Robin Redbreast; and House, Domestic, or European Sparrow
Plate LXIX / 69; 
Common Gannet-Solon Goose; Forster's or Havell's Tern; and Big Black-head-Greater Scaup Duck-Blue Bill-Broad Bill-Shaffler
Plate LXXI / 71; Steller's Jay; Yellow-headed Black-bird; Chestnut-backed Titmouse, Chicadee, or Tit; Least Titmouse, Chestnut-crowned Titmouse, or Tit; Bewick's Wren; Grey-crowned Finch; Rocky Mountain or Arctic Blue Bird; Bohemian Waxwing, Waxen Chatterer, Waxwing, or Common Silk-tail; American Mealy Redpoll, Mealy Redpoll Linnett; Arctic Towhee, Arctic Spotted Towhee, or Arctic Ground Finch; and Lincoln's Pinewood Finch, Lincoln's Sparrow, Lincoln's Finch
Plate LXXIII / 73; Red and White-shouldered Blackbird, Three-colored Tropial; Lewis' Woodpecker; Mexican Flicker, Red-shafted Woodpecker, Red-shafted Flicker; Anna Hummingbird; Yellow-billed Magpie; Common Cormorant, Shag; Red-breasted Snipe, Gray Snipe, Grayback; Northern Phalarope; and Cooper's Sandpiper
Plate LXXVII / 77; Jer-falcon, or Gyr-falcon; and Polar, or Iceland Falcon
Plate LXXVIII / 78; Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, or Pheasant; White-crowned or White-headed Pigeon; and Ground Dove
Plate LXXXIII / 83; Brant Goose, Black Brant, Brant or Brent; Ruddy Duck; Black Guillemot-Sea Pigeon; Red-throated Diver; and American Black Scoter Duck, or Scoter Duck
Plate LXXXIV / 84; Brown Pelican; Caran-Crying Bird-Courlan; and Stilt Sandpiper
Plate LXXXVI / 86; Yellow-nosed Albatross; and Common Skua
Plate LXXXVII / 87; Arkansas Goldfinch; Lawrence's Goldfinch; Gairdser's Woodpecker; and California Valley Quail
Plate LXXXVIII / 88; Black Pliogosys-Black-crested Flycatcher; Mango Hummingbird-Black-throated Humming-bird; Black-headed Goldfinch; Black-chinned Humming-bird; Mexican Wren-White-throated Wren; Oregon Towhee; Rufous-backed or Red-backed Humming-bird; Louisiana Tanager; Red or Vermillion Fly-catcher; Blue Grosbeak; Evening Grosbeak; and Arctic Spotted Towhee, California Ground Robin, Cat Bird
Plate LXXXIX / 89; Brown-headed Woodpecker; Red-breasted Woodpecker; White-headed Woodpecker; Painted Fly-catcher; Mountain Titmouse, Mountain Chicadee, or White-browed Chicadee; Spotted Sparrow, Titlark Sparrow; Ground Wren, Ground Tit, Fasciated Tit; and Plumed Quail, Plumed Partridge, Mountain Quail
Plate XC / 90; Golden-crowned Sparrow, Yellow-crowned Finch, or Yellow-crowned Sparrow; Lazuli Finch; Canon Towhee, Brown Towhee; Grey-crowned Purple Finch, Grey-necked or Grey-eared Finch; Grey-crowned Finch; California Woodpecker; Yellow-bellied or Yellow-faced Woodpecker; Least Titmouse; Bullock's Oriole; and Blue Crow, Maximilian's Jay, Cassin's Jay
Plate XCI / 91; Glossy, or Bay Ibis; Prothonotary Wabler; Little Black Rail; Little Yellow-breasted Rail; Barrow's Golden-eye, Rocky Mountain Garrot; and Stilt, Black-necked Stilt, Longshanks, and Lawyer
Plate XCIII / 93; California Jay; Harris' Woodpecker; Black-tailed or Black-headed Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed Flycatcher; Plumbeous Gnatcatcher, Lead-sided Flycatcher; Stone Chat, Fallow Chat, or Wheatear; Water Ouzel, American Dipper, Dipper; Marbled Guillemot, or Narsolet; Cassin's Guillemot, Aleutian Auk.; and Black Oyster-catcher, Bachman's Oyster-catcher
Plate XCIV / 94; Baird's Sparrow, Baird's Bunting; Green-tailed Finch, Blanding's Finch; Chestnut-collared Lark Bunting, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Black-bellied Longspur; Macgown's Bunting, or Longspur; Painted Lark Bunting, Painted Longspur; Black Flycatcher; Say's Flycatcher; Black-headed Grosbeak; Rusty Song-sparrow; and Townsend's Finch, Slate-colored Sparrow, Fox Sparrow
Plate XCVII / 97; Mexican Trogon; Mot-Mot, Blue-headed Sawbill, Sawbill; Costa Hummingbird; Morelet's Finch, Little Seed-eater; Cactus Wren, Brown-headed Creeper Wren; Hepatic Tanager, Liver-colored Tanager; White-throated Swift, Rock Swift; Cassins Purple Finch; Mountain Song Sparrow; Canon Finch, Canon Bunting, Brown Towhee, Canon Towhee; and Abert's Towhee, Abert's Finch
Plate XCIX / 99; Black-footed Albatross; Brandt's Cormorant; Violet Green Cormorant; and Florida Cormorant
Plate C / 100; Least Vireo; Bell's Vireo; Grey Vireo, Arizona Vireo, Grey Greenlet; Western Warbling Vireo, or Greenlet, Swainson's Warbling Greenlet; Plumbeous Vireo, Lead-colored Vireo, or Greenlet; Broad-tailed Hummingbird; Rufous-crowned Finch, or Sparrow, Red-capped Finch, Boxcard's Finch; Hammond's Flycatcher; Wright's Flycatcher, Grayish Flycatcher; and Bell's Finch, or Sparrow
Plate CI / 101; Texas Orchard Oriole; Texan Woodpecker, Arizona Woodpecker, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Texan Sapsucker; Buff-breasted Flycatcher, or Least Flycatcher; Gray-tufted Titmouse, California Titmouse, Plain, or Plain-crested Titmouse; House Finch, or Untet, Burien, Crimson-fronted Finch, Adobe Finch; Hooded Oriole; Black-chinned Sparrow; Calliope Hummingbird; Mountain Song Sparrow; and Western Chipping Sparrow
Plate CII / 102; Short-billed Albatross; Mountain Plover; Snowy Plover; Sooty Albatross; White-headed Gull; and Wandering Tattler
Plate CII / 103; Red-vested Thrasher, Crissal Thrush, Henry's Thrush; Bendire's Thrush; Mocking Bird; Palmer's Thrasher; California Mocking Bird, Sickle-billed Thrush, California Thrasher; Cineroan Thrush, Asby Thrush, Cape St. Luces Thrasher; Bewink's Wren, Western Mocking Wren; Allied Creeper Wren, Cape Caciss Wren; Pygmy Nuthatch, California Nuthatch; Slender-billed, or Western Nuthatch; Black-whiskered Vireo, Florida Greenlet, Whip-Tom-Kelly; Oregon, or Gray Song-Sparrow; Western, or Long-tailed Chat; Western Titmouse, or Chicadee; Black-crested, Black-tufted, or Texas Titmouse; Black-headed or Black-capped Vireo; Hutton's Vireo; White-bellied Wren; Long-billed Thrash, Texas Thrasher; Lezonte's Thrush, or Thrasher; Alaska Wren; and Parkman's House Wren, Western Wood Wren
Plate CV / 105; Rio Grande, or Green Jay; Sierra, or Blue-fronted Jay; Long-crested Jay; Sieber's Jay; Linse Hummingbird, Lineaus Emerald; Heloisa's Hummingbird; Xantas' Hummingbird; Refulgent Hummingbird; Black Swift; Pacific Orange-crowned Warbler; Nevada Finch, Artemesia Sparrow; Cassin's Sparrow, or Pine Finch; Arizona Sparrow or Finch; Gambrel's, or Western White-crowned Sparrow; Texas Night-hawk; Western Night-hawk, or Bull-bat; Yellow-throated Gray Warbler; Vaux's, or Oregon Chimney Swift; Green Black-capped or Pacific Coast Fly-catcher; Ash-throated or Mexican Fly-catcher; Coache's Fly-catcher, or King Bird; Cassin's Fly-catcher; Lawrence Fly-catcher; Rufous-winged Sparrow; Townsend's Bunting; Cape, or St. Lucas Woodpecker; Yellow-faced, Yellow-bellied, or Yellow-vested Woodpecker; Nuttall's Woodpecker; Gila Woodpecker; Williamson's, or Black-breasted; Red-naped, Yellow-bellied, or Nuchal Woodpecker; and Arizona Ultramarine Jay
Plate CVI / 106; Crested Grebe; Horned Grebe; St. Domingo Grebe; Dab-chick; American Eared Grebe; Red-necked Grebe; Clark's Western Grebe; Yellow-billed Loon; Black-throated Diver Loon; Fork-tailed Petrel; Hornby's Petrel; Ruff; Ashby Petrel; Sandpiper; Black Petrel; Leach's Petrel, and Least Petrel
Plate CVII / 107; 
Pacific Fulmar; Rdger's Fulmar; Slender-billed Fulmar; Cinaracus, or Shearwater; Dusky Puffin, Shearwater, or Petrel; Greater, or Wandering Puffin, or Shearwater; Flesh-footed Puffin, or Shearwater; Black-tailed Puffin, or Shearwater; Sooty Puffin, or Shearwater; Marks Puffin, or Shearwater; Black-vented Puffin, or Shearwater; Dark-bodied Puffin, or Shearwater; Slender-billed Puffin, or Shearwater; Pintado Petrel, or Cape Pigeon; Wilson's Petrel; Aleutian Tern; Black-capped Petrel; and Knob-billed, or Least Auk
Plate CIX / 109; Red-billed Pigeon or Dove; White-winged Dove; Band-tailed Pigeon; Yellow Wagtail; White-tailed Grouse, Ptarmigan; Rock Grouse, or Ptarmigan; Florida Quail; Gambel's Partridge, or Quail, Arizona Quail; Scaled or Blue Partridge or Quail; Carolina Parakeet, or Parrot, Illinois Parrot; Gilded Woodpecker, Cape Flicker; Audubon's Oriole; Great-tailed, or Central American Grackle; Clarke's Crow, American Nutcracker; Common Crow, or American Fish Crow; Fish Crow; Florida Crow; Missouri Skylark, Sprague's Pipit; and Southwestern Lark
Plate CXV / 115; Common Wild Turkey, Mexican Turkey; Dusky Grouse, Gray Grouse, Blue Grouse, Pine Grouse, Spruce Partridge; Texan Quail; Alice's Thrush, Gray-cheeked Thrush; Henslow's Bunting; Musgrave Cuckoo; Black-billed Cuckoo; Brotherly-love Vireo, Philadelphia Greenlet; Nashville Warbler; Long-tailed Chickadee; and Banded, or White-backed, Three-toed Woodpecker
Plate CXVI / 116; Ivory Gull; American Mew Gull; California Gull; Ring-billed Gull; Glaucous-winged Gull; White-winged Gull; Glaucous, Ice Gull, Burgomaster; Franklin's Rosy Gull; Short-billed Gull, Red-legged Kittiwake; Pacific Kittiwake Gull; White-bellied Petrel, Black and White Stormy Petrel; Pacific Black-throated Diver; Noddy Tern; Arctic Tern; Horned Wary Ross' Grouse; Lesser Snow Goose; Pomarine Jaeger, or Skua; Arctic, Long-tailed, or Buffon's Jaeger; Curlew Sandpiper; and Surf Bird
Plate CXVIII / 118; Alaskan Gray Jay, Dusky Canada Jay; Paisano, Road Runner, Chaparral Cock, Ground Cuckoo, Warbird, Medicine Bird; Texas Prairie Hen; Massena Partridge; Sitkan, or Oregon Dusky Grouse; Richardson's Dusky Grouse; Sage Oak, Cock of the Plains; Corn Crake, Land Rail; California King Rail; Bartramian Sandpiper, or Tattler, Upland Plover; Common Wild Goose, Canada Goose, or Brant; White-collared Goose; Hutchins' Goose; Barnacle Goose; Gadwall, Gray Duck; Fulvous Tree Duck; Autumnal Tree Duck; and Steller's Eider Duck

Condition: All have some toning, minor edge tears and/or curling.

If you are looking for prints from the late 1800s, this is for you. Don't let this find get away.

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