Derwent Journals Many choices and sizes - Perfect for artists, notetakers, Offices

A selection of journals from Derwent
These are handmade in Nepal (apart from A6 Suede) and represent an ethical view of providing commerce opportunities to rural communities and in return we receive beautiful products.
Whilst we have catagarised as either A6 or A5 in fact the dimensions vary slightly and are as follows:-

  • Black Suede A6, 90mm x 140mm
  • Suede Blossom A6, 148mm x 115mm
  • Pink Silk A6, 148mm x 115mm
  • Pink Felt Daisy A5, 210mm x 150mm
  • Polka Dot A5, 210mm x 170mm
  • Striped A5, 210mm x 150mm
  • Red Heart Felt A5, 210mm x 170mm
  • Black Circle A5 210mm x 170mm