Perennial evergreen succulent plant. Forms a fleshy evergreen rosette - one or more, which can reach 15-20 cm in diameter. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate-spatulate, rounded at the apex, often with curly periphery, fleshy, dark green, 3 to 10 cm long. Stem almost absent or completely shortened, thickened. The roots are long and fleshy. Peduncles - one or more, appear from the center of the leaf rosette and are numerous sometimes, with relatively large and bright colors. The Lefties originated in North America - Oregon, California. Hybrids that are evergreen in a variety of colors have recently gained momentum in the gardens. The plant is completely winter-hardy, but has specific requirements to be grown in our country. Although a challenge for any gardener, levisia are such beautiful and unusual flowers that more and more lovers grow them in pots or in their gardens.

Height during flowering and width about 30 cm.
Decorative fleshy leaf rosette or colony of rosettes and bright and beautiful flowering.

Levizia bloom in late spring and early summer, ie. in May-June. The flowers are collected on top of peduncles up to 30 cm high. The individual flowers are up to 2.5-3 cm, painted in different colors - from light pink to cyclamen, neon purple or orange and their shades. Flowering can last 2 months.
when personal experience and observations are gained, it can be successfully grown in the garden. Growing in a pot on the balcony or in an unheated greenhouse is even easier than in the garden. The soil should be draining, moderately fertile, preferably slightly acidic. Full sun should be avoided, east exposure is more appropriate. Another important condition is to provide good drainage both to the whole plant and to the root collar. This is achieved by covering the surface of the pot with felt or fine gravel. Regular watering is important, but water should not be retained in the leaf rosette, especially freezing. If it is planted in the garden, it is still good not to choose the hottest exposure, the rosette should be planted as vertically as possible and the winter should be covered so that it does not get too wet and water does not freeze in it. However, sometimes levizia show enviable resilience and survive under thick snow drifts, contrary to all breeding recommendations.
So until you try, you have no way of knowing if levisia is your flower or not. Once planted in the ground does not tolerate relocation.
Levizia are planted mostly in rocky corners and rock gardens. They are also easily grown in a pot on the balcony, where the humidity can be controlled in winter. They have no problems with the cold.

Lewisia is one of those plants that breaks your heart. Named for Meriwether Lewis, Lewisias are succulent plants native to the mountains on the West Coast.

How often should I water my Lewisia
Spread a 2- to 3-inch depth of mulch beneath the plants. Continue to water them once or twice each week during the spring, summer and fall in the absence of rainfall. Keep the soil uniformly moist. Do not water them throughout the winter.

Growing Requirements for Lewisia Plants
Lewisias prefer cooler climates, where they should be grown in full sun. They can be grown in warmer areas if they are planted in light shade. ... Indoors, provide full sun and allow the soil to dry before watering.

One of the most popular species of Lewisia . Very easy to grow. If kept moist, hybrids will bloom two to four times during the growing season. CareGrow in moderately fertile, humus-rich, sharply drained soil and full sun to light shade.