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We are the leading antiquarian booksellers in Latin America & members of ILAB (International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, London) & ABA (Antiquarian Booksellers Association, London). We have been in business for more than 35 years. We are a general antiquarian bookstore with emphasis in rare books and manuscripts related to the Spanish speaking world.

Early Scientific Treatise By A Portuguese Astronomer - Important For Early Studies On Climate

 Najera, A. de. Suma astrológica y arte para enseñar hazer pronósticos de los tiempos y por ellos conocer la fertilidad o esterilidad del Año y las alteraciones del Aire. Antonio Alvarez, Lisboa, 1632

8vo; Roman letter, titles and index in Italic, astrological tables and diagrams in text, title-page woodcut of St. Anthony of Padua bearing the Christ child; contemporary vellum; missing last folio of index.

FIRST EDITION. A scientific treatise by the Portuguese mathematician and astronomer Antonio de Najera. In this work, written in Spanish, Najera gives an extensive account of the influence of planets, and in particular the Sun and the Moon, on earthly climate changes: halfway between astronomy and astrology, the ‘Summa’ is in fact mainly conceived as an tool for weather and eclipse prediction and their effects on harvests.

The treatise, which terminates with a brief section relating to the stars and their principal effects, is of remarkable interest for the history of early modern studies on climate, thanks to its peculiar fusion of ‘scientific’ astronomy with empiric astrology.

* WorldCat: 4 copies in USA. Cantamessa, II 3084. Thorndike VIII, p. 129. Salva 3793.(RF 363/ P2G37)