Cypress Technology, Inc.


Over 20 years of specializing in buying and selling used / refurbished Hewlett-Packard Series 3000 & 9000 hardware, ranging from the early 1970’s to the present date.


Product for sale:

1. HP 12005B Asynchronous Serial Interface  asynchronous serial communications link between the HP 1000 A-series computer and RS-449, RS422, RS-232 compatible devices.


Product Specifications / Overview

* Fiber-optic interface to minimize electrical interface
* EIA RS-232-C, RS-422, RS-423, and subset of RS-449
* Sixteen data transfer rates from 50 to 19.2 k baud
* 56k baud data rate with external clock
* Choice of half-duplex, full duplex, or echoplex operation
* Built-in DMA capability for optimum I/O efficiency
* I/O driver support with RTE-L/XL and RTE-A operating systems

For more information on the HP 1000 and related peripherals, feel free to call or email.


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