We are a small family rabbitry called the Herriott Hares based out of Montana, USA.

We are an animal friendly rabbitry. We make sure to be very gentle with our rabbits. They are our pets and they love attention. We shear them every 3 months so they can be more comfortable!

We have one color of wool available as you can see:

.Wool from a Giant "black" angora, these fibers are slightly crimped, this fiber has some black mixed in here and there in the over-all gray fibers. But the black angora simply has a black head as you can see in the pictures.

We packaged the wool and separated it into 1 oz. per package.

We currently have the following amount available in this color:

.Black/Gray~ 14 oz.

Any wool sold by us is sheared from the rabbits not pulled.

The wool we sell is exclusively sheared from the rabbits backs only. This is so that you get the cleanest as well as least tangled wool. As you can see in the picture this wool is about 4-5 inches long which is at it's "prime" length. (meaning that this is the longest it can grow on the rabbits and still be high quality)

Since the wool we sell is "raw" that means that it is not carded, washed, or processed in any way. We like to leave the choice of how it's processed up to you!

(The yarn in this listing is not for sale it's only an example of what yarn made of this wool would look like.)

Our wool supply is re-stocked every three months.

The cost is $11 an oz. or package but feel free to make offers!