This Pink-Violet Kunzite Natural Rough Handmade GF Wire Wrap Pendant 3 3/8" Collectible is about 3 3/8 x 15/16 x 1/4 inches and weighs about 16.5 grams, 0.582 ounces, or 82 carats. This is a delicately wired natural gemstone.

Kunzite is a stone of romantic love, good for communication of love when you are nervous, as well as for healing heartaches. It is also a stone of self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance. Kunzite can strengthen the human energy field, clear the aura, and clear negative energy from a room or environment.

In palest pink to light violet hues, Kunzite is a Stone of Emotion, opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Kunzite encourages one to release walls built around the heart for protection and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love.