Thentix Skin Conditioner (12oz).

Young or old, Thentix treats dry skin conditions — NATURALLY!

 THENTIXTM is often recommended to people of all ages with a variety of dry skin conditions. Made in Canada, THENTIX A Touch of HoneyTM Skin Conditioner is a natural product that moisturizes and soothes dry, itchy skin and is available in tamper-resistant 8, 4 and 2 oz jars as well as a convenient 12-oz family size pump bottle. THENTIXTM is Paraben and Fragrance Free!

Infants and Children

Good parents are always concerned about the products used on children. THENTIXTM Skin Conditioner is safe for treating a wide variety of childhood issues, including: abrasions, bruises, allergic rash, chapped lips, cradle cap, diaper rash, eczema, insect bites, sunburn, and much more!

Adults and Seniors

Adults rely on THENTIX A Touch of HoneyTM to help with age and health-related skin issues, like: dry, rough hands and feet; cracked heels; eczema, psoriasis, Chemo Hand-Foot Syndrome; radiation burns; Shingles and more.


THENTIX A Touch of HoneyTM Skin Conditioner is highly-regarded by those who are troubled by stubborn skin conditions, the result of relocating to North America from abroad, having developed skin conditions due to the change in climate.


Apply THENTIXTM liberally from head-to-toe, as often as needed.  THENTIX absorbs quickly into the skin and continues working even with frequent washing. For best results, use several times a day for the first week.