DM-007, Hungarian AFV's. This sheet is designed for the various vehicles used by the Hungarian Army from 1940 – 1945. National insignia, tactical markings and registration numbers are included.  The instructions include camouflage practices, vehicles in service and remarks about national insignia.  Please note, areas shown gray will print as white.  Actual decal may vary slightly from image.

Tips for use

1.       These are laser-printed decals.  As such, the colors will look more “muted” than silk-screen printed decals, especially the white due the thinness of the ink application. 

2.       Use a gloss coat under the decal to prevent silvering.

3.       Be sure to cut closely to the edge of the edge of the image you wish to use as these are not spot printed, but continuous sheets of decal film.

4.       These are two stage decals!  For colored decals (other than black), place white undercoat where you want the final design to be first, let it dry and then add the color layer. 

5.       I have used Solvaset and Mr. Mark Softener without problems, however, other decal solvents may prove more detrimental to the decals.

6.       Seal with another gloss coat to protect the finished image.