Nikon Super CoolScan film scanners have been out of production since 2004, and replacement parts and service were discontinued not long after. This is a shame since these scanners are still some of the best performing pro-sumer film scanners ever made. A common problem is that dust and grime collect on the primary mirror inside the machine, fouling the optics and compromising the image.

The mirror can be cleaned, but with age or multiple cleanings the mirror surface begins to degrade and replacement is necessary.

This is a brand new, 100% compatible, precision front surface mirror with 94% reflectivity. Mirrored with enhanced aluminum coating, with a protective dialectric overcoat. Shipped with protective blue film over the exposed mirror surface.

While you are disassembling the scanner to replace the mirror, you can also use our Scanner Safe Lubricant for a full tune up.
Scanner Safe Lube