Fitne Instant Coffee Mix help enhance efficiency energy metabolism

Quantity :  1 bag (20 sachets)

Size: 300 g ( 15 g x 20 sachets)

Product details:

" World Class Gold Medal Award Coffee” Coffee is rich, fragrant, mellow, suitable for those who want to control carbohydrate foods. (Rice, bread, flour, etc.) provides only 80 calories/sachet.

      White Kidney Bean Extract Has the ability to inhibit the accumulation of starch foods. in order not to be converted to sugar and fat to accumulate in the body and ready to be excreted in the form of food waste

Component :

- White Kidney Bean Extract

- L-lysine

- Vitamin B1, B2 and B6

- Sucralose, a sweetener instead of sugar.

Feature :

- White Kidney Bean Extract Helps inhibit the accumulation of starchy foods. in order not to be converted to sugar and fat to accumulate in the bodyready to be excreted in the form of food waste

- L-Lysine increases the burning of body fat.

- Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 It is also valuable in helping to enhance the efficiency of energy metabolism in the body. body by extracting stored carbohydrates and fats

How to brew :

Tear the FITNE' coffee sachet into your favorite glass. Then add 120 ml of hot water, stir well and drink.