A Nightmare On Elm Street
Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) is having grisly nightmares. Meanwhile, her high-school friends, who are having the very same dreams, are being slaughtered in their sleep by the hideous fiend of their shared nightmares. When the police ignore her explanation, she herself must confront the killer in his shadowy realm...

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Five years have passed since Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) was sent howling back to hell. But now, a new kid on Elm Street is being haunted every night by gruesome visions of the deadly dream stalker and if his twisted soul takes possession of the boy's body, Freddy will return from the dead to wreak bloody murder and mayhem upon the entire town.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
The last of the Elm Street kids are now at a psychiatric ward where Freddy haunts their dreams with unspeakable horrors. Their only hope is dream researcher and fellow survivor Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp of the original Nightmare), who helps them battle the supernatural psycho on his own hellish turf.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Proving there's no rest for the wicked, the unspeakably evil Freddy Krueger is again resurrected from the grave to wreak havoc upon those who dare to dream. As her friends succumb one by one to Freddy's wrath, telepathically gifted Kristen embarks on a desperate mission to destroy the satanic dream stalker and release the tortured souls of his victims once and for all.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
Unable to overpower the Dream Master who vanquished him in A Nightmare On Elm Street 4, Freddy haunts the innocent dreams of her unborn child and preys upon her friends with sheer horror. Will the child be saved from becoming Freddy's newest weapon or will the maniac again resurrect his legacy of evil?

A Nightmare On Elm Street 6: Freddy's Dead - The Final Nightmare
They tried to burn him, bury him, wash him away with holy water. Freddy hitches a ride inside some poor soul's dream to the nearest town and hey, quicker than you can say "Nine, ten, never sleep again", the dreamstalker's back in business...

A Nightmare On Elm Street 7: Wes Craven's New Nightmare
In a frightening new twist in the terror on Elm street, Wes Craven (director of the original film) finds that his dreams have begun to dictate real-life horrors for the stars of the film.


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