Clive Cussler
Audio Books

Select from 27 Titles below and send a message via ebay message (Just let me know the NUMBER or NUMBERS of the Title/Titles Selected)

1.      Arctic Drift

2.      Atlantis Found

3.      Blue Gold

4.      Celtic Empire

5.      Corsair

6.      Crescent Dawn

7.      Dark Watch

8.      Devil's Gate

9.      Dragon

10.   Final Option

11.   Ghost Ship

12.   Golden Buddha

13.   Mirage

14.   Piranha

15.   Plague Ship

16.   Sacred Stone

17.   Skeleton Coast

18.   The Assassin

19.   The Chase

20.   The Emperor's Revenge

21.   The Jungle

22.   The Race

23.   The Rising  Sea

24.   The Romanov Ransom

25.   The Silent Sea

26.   The Titanic Secret

27.   Treasure

Please send me a message in ebay messaging with your selection. 

Purchase the Quantity you require and send message via contact seller and confirm the titles you require.