De Lorenzo – inspired by nature.

Made and used by Australian for over 30 years.

Vegan certified, Cruelty Free, Salon professional Haircare

De Lorenzo Titanium Sculpt Gel is infused with various high-quality ingredients that enhance styling and firm holding. The super-strong styling gel creates a fierce gripping hold that makes it easy for any hairstyling.

The gel comes with a substantial quantity of fig leaf extract that protects the hair from UV ray damage and induces better hold. You can buy the De Lorenzo elements gel to enhance the firm hold and ease your styling process.

De Lorenzo elements titanium sculpt gel contains UV ray protection, which helps inhibit damage done by sun rays to the hair. It also comes with Basil leaf extracts that help keep the hair well-nourished and hydrated while creating a protective mask.

The super-strong gel helps hold the hair in place all day long and maintains the style for a long while. It doesn’t contain superficial elements or additives, which makes it safe for even tender hair. The super stronghold it provides is due to the infusion of organic ingredients.

This ferociously gripping formula enhances both the texture and hold of the hair when applied properly. It also helps to safeguard the scalp from chemical damage.


The super-strong gel comes with certified organic fig to enhance the fierce gripping hold

- Contains basil leaf extracts which act as a protective covering against UV rays and potential sun damage to hair

- Makes for an amazing hairstyling time with a firm hold and tenacious grip, thanks to sculpting nature of the gel

- The gel is perfect for all hairstyles, be it chemically treated, coloured, or natural

Is De Lorenzo Titanium Sculpt Gel for You?

The gel helps achieve your desired styling with ease irrespective of the type of hair

- Protect the scalp from UV ray damage

- The formula helps the hair maintain its style for a longer period

Directions: Apply gel on parts of hair and distribute evenly. Allow for 15 minutes for gel to set. Style as desired.