Vintage Ralph Lauren

Water Floral

Queen deep fitted sheet

Great elastic

This is a green tagged sheet-which means that it was a premium deep fitted sheet.
Both of these are.

Did you know?
This was made between 1990 and 1995
Retired and discontinued after that.
These sheets are about 28 years old and still in great shape!
Made up in Cotton sateen it is silky soft and sturdy too.

I have two of these available-the first one is pictures 1-6
The second one is pictures 7-12

The second one looks like the elastic is shot, but its not.
Its a little loose, but it holds well.

These are green tag, deep fitted sheets.
They will fit the deeper mattress.

This pattern is one of those that don't show up much-
Everyone keeps them!

I have a pair of standard pillowcases to match in my store-

Search Water Floral

Please enlarge the pictures and ask any questions before you buy,
As I can no longer take returns on these vintage items.

I will send this in a box-not stuffed in an envelope.