Print Specifics:

  • Type of print: Lithograph - Original French antique print.
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - actual 1888
  • Publisher: Albert Racinet, Imp. Firmin Didot
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair).
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8.5 inches (18 x 21 cm) including blank margins around the image.
  • Paper weight: 2 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank
  • Notes:  (1) Green color around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed. (2) The print detail is sharper than the photo of the print. (3) The uneven tone of the photo was caused by the light coming from one side when photographing the print.

1 A Maragato - a member of a self-sufficient,  mountain-dwelling race from the province of Leon, many of whom are mule drivers. His jacket is pulled tight at the waist by a belt and his wide knickerbockers reach down to the knee. Typically, his wide-brimmed hat is banded with a cord rather than a ribbon. 2 A peasant from Orense, near Galicia. His clothes are appropriate to  this  region's  warm,  humid climate (note the cotton umbrella). His red waistcoat is decorated at the back, and unbuttoned hose shows under-breeches beneath his top breeches. His stiff collar is turned up above the waistcoat collar. 3 A young peasant from Lugo, in Galicia. His montera, or hat, has pompons facing the right - a sign that he is still a bachelor. 4 An Asturian woman in the warm woollen clothes necessary for ward off the cold weather of the mountain ranges. Her hair would be tied in a bun underneath the headscarf.  The  thick  shawl,  a denque, is bordered in rich velvet. 5 A town crier from Aragaon, with an open-necked shirt and jacket, leather breeches and blue stockings pulled up to his knees.

6 Castille's military traditions can be seen in its costumes. Here the peasant's montera is similar to a soldier's hat; the cape is like that of a 17th-century soldier; and even the leather gaiters resemble armour. 7 An Asturian woman in her Sunday best. Many such women were servants, and this one has a cotton scarf knotted on her head. Her woollen shawl is embroidered in different colours and the sleeves of her bodice  are  edged  with velvet. Her short, narrow apron is made of velvet picked out with silver ribbons and her skirt is made of either Indian cotton or of wool. 8 An elderly Galician man, wearing a costume similar to that of the bachelor in  6:  a  wide-lapelled jacket with pockets, under which is  a  traditional  red  and  black waistcoat. 9  An  old  Galician  country-woman, with a large kerchief over her head, an embroidered shawl round her shoulders and a skirt that does not match her bodice. A large apron, or manteo, covers her skirt almost entirely. 10 A man from Maragato, showing the back view of the figure in 1.

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