Print Specifics:

  • Type of print: Lithograph - Original French antique print.
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - actual 1888
  • Publisher: Albert Racinet, Imp. Firmin Didot
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair).
  • Dimensions: 7 x 8.5 inches (18 x 21 cm) including blank margins around the image.
  • Paper weight: 2 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank
  • Notes:  (1) Green color around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed. (2) The print detail is sharper than the photo of the print. (3) The uneven tone of the photo was caused by the light coming from one side when photographing the print.

Fig. 1. A necklace plate. Necklace is comprised of five rings. The rectangular plate is made of engraved silver, embellished with precious stones; 2. A marriage crown. Made of the combination of brass and sterling, embellished with rubies and emeralds; 3. A silver brooch; 4. A red wool belt, trimmed with green, embellished with gold plates; 5. A necklace plate, similar to fig. 1, however, of smaller size. The necklace itself is comprised of four chains; 6. A golden ring, Norwegian type; 7. This example comprises two independent pieces, one function as a necklace the other function as a pendant and is attached to the shirt; 8. A silver ear-ring; 9. A corsage brooch, silver or brass, from Hardanger area; 10. A heart shaped pendant. The one that is depicted here is made of gold (from Norway); 11. A pendant in the form of a crucifix, also worn as an attachment to a necklace (from Norway); 12. Another type of a medallion type pendant. The center of the pendant is embellished with a little chime plate; 13. A leather belt, embellished with little plates, each comprised of two moving parts (from Norway);

 14. A grand crucifix, worn by a married woman, suspended from a belt; 15. A double button used on a shirt instead of a common type button. From the center of each button a small chain with  a Byzantine cross is suspended; 16. A silver brooch comprised of a silver circular plate with an opening in the middle (from Norway); 17. A special brooch comprised of six metallic plates in the form of a human head (from Norway, resembles Etruscan design); 18. A grand pendant, made of brass, worn by the women from Telemark, hanging from a string attached to the collier of a shirt; 19. A double plate belt buckle, filigreed silver (from Norway);  20. A double plated fastener, filigreed silver, used with lingerie (from Norway); 21. A marriage brass crown, tipped with little moving plates, each in the form of a six pointed star. 22. Another type of crown, smaller size, worn by children; 23,24. A head-gear piece for a bride, embellished with hanging brass plates, with small moving pendants at the ends. 25,26. Round plates, worn in pairs as an embellishment of a bride's dress. made of brass or engraved silver. Attached to corsage, one under the other, attached to the fabric. Smaller plate is of more elaborate design than the larger one. It also have a little moving concave disk attched to its center.

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