Saint Anna and Mother of God Orthodox IconAVAILABLE

Exact replica of the prototype Orthodox icon of Saint Anne. It is made of natural linden wood, prepared according to the requirements of traditional techniques and materials. This icon is available in a gilded background and it is possible to choose between 2 size dimensions.

Saint Anna's Life

Tradition holds that St. Anne, or Ann, is the mother of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Non-biblical books from the early Christian centuries acknowledge Mary’s parents as Joachim and Anne. These sources claim that Joachim and Anne were childless for many years of their marriage. The angel Gabriel appeared to them separately and declared that they would in fact bear a child who must be dedicated to God.

Hence, Anne became the mother of our Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Anne eventually became the patron saint of married women and childless couples. Artistic representations show St. Anne with her child Mary on her lap. Her feast day is celebrated on 9th of December according to the Orthodox Tradition.