Product Information

Bach Rescue Remedy Dropper-Comfort & Reassure Stress relieve-Vegan Formula 10ml

Bach rescue remedy, formerly known as Nelson’s Rescue Remedy, is designed to relieve your stress in a natural way. Bach Rescue Remedy is suitable for the whole family and is vegan friendly. Ideal for those who are facing a stressful situation and are looking for a way to calm their nerves so they can make the most of their busy day.


What happens when you’re stressed?

When you’re feeling stressed, whether it be because of work, an exam, or just everyday stresses and strains, your body can experience a number of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms you may experience include:


How will Bach Rescue Remedy help to ease my stress?

Bach Rescue Remedy contains a blend of natural ingredients which come from flower extracts. These ingredients combine to form a remedy designed to help you face the stresses of everyday life. The ingredients are extracts of:


When should I use this product?

You can use Bach Rescue Remedy whenever you’re feeling stressed, worried, or overwhelmed. If you need to take a moment and give yourself a break, you can use this product and take a second to feel more like yourself. Some of the most popular reasons why people use this product include exams, interviews, and driving tests, which are the kinds of high pressure situations where you could benefit from easing your worries and stress.


How to take Bach Rescue Remedy?

Bach Rescue Remedy can be used in two simple ways. The first method for using Bach Rescue Remedy is to put four drops onto your tongue at regular intervals. Alternatively, add four drops of Bach Rescue Remedy to a glass of water and sip. Make sure to read the label for precise dosage recommendations for Bach Rescue Remedy.


Can I use this product if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding make sure to consult your doctor before using Bach Rescue Remedy. Some medications or herbal remedies may not be safe for you and your baby at this time, and a medical professional can help you to make the best choices for both of you.


Can I use this product if I’m taking other medication?

If you are taking any other medication, including herbal remedies or those you obtained without a prescription, speak to your doctor before using this product. Some products can interact when used together, causing unwanted effects or making your medication less effective.


When should Bach Rescue Remedy not be used?

You must be at least 16 years old to purchase Bach Rescue Remedy. Do not use this product if the seal on the bottle is broken. Bach Rescue Remedy contains extracts of alcohol, as it uses 27% Grape Based Brandy as a preservative. Do not spray this product into your throat or eyes.


Does this product have any side effects?

Like all medications, including herbal remedies, Bach Rescue Remedy can have side effects. However, as this is an herbal remedy, this may be less likely. If you do experience any side effects while using this product, stop use and speak to your doctor. For more information about reporting the side effects of medication, please see the MHRA’s Yellow Card Scheme.


How to store this remedy

Store in a cool, dry place. Store in original packaging, do not use once expiration date printed on packaging has passed. Keep out of sight and reach of children.