
Original Autogramm Lia Scott Price /// Autograph signiert signed signee

Scott Price, Lia :

Original Autogramm Lia Scott Price /// Autograph signiert signed signee


Sprache: Englisch

Bestell-Nr: 272254

Bemerkungen: Postkarte von Lia Scott Price bildseitig mit schwarzem Edding signiert /// Autogramm Autograph signiert signed signee /// Lia Scott Price is a horror fiction author and independent filmmaker. She is known for the characters Serial Killer and Vampire Guardian Angels which she created for her books and films.[3] In addition to writing and producing, she is also the creator of the Serial Killer and Vampire Guardian Angels comic book series.[4][5] Filmography 2012, Pra/ey: A Vampire Short 2011, Scenes From A Novel: The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion Short Films 2010, The Serial Killer and Vampire Guardian Angel Diaries 2009, Horror Writing With Lia Scott Price 2009, Lia Scott Price?s Letters to Mother 2009, Lia Scott Price?s Demonic & Negative Entity Possession 2008, Lia Scott Price?s Dark Fiction 2008, Lia Scott Price?s Nightmares[1] 2007, Normal, California[1] 2006, The Guardian 2006, Dominion[1] Bibliography 2009, The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion (Horror Trilogy), CreateSpace, ISBN 1449513980 2009, Letters To Mother, CreateSpace, ISBN 144216459X 2003, Revenant, iUniverse, ISBN 0595293727 2003, Resurrection, iUniverse, ISBN 0595269680 2002, Body and Blood, iUniverse, ISBN 059524338X 2002, Ghostwriter, iUniverse, ISBN 059522931X 2002, The Guardian, iUniverse, ISBN 0595228658, Optioned as a screenplay by The Triton Film Group in 2002.[6] 2000, The Frog Asylum, iUniverse, ISBN 0595155561 /// Standort Wimregal Pkis-Box50-U018

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