Any money raised from the sale of this video will go towards offsetting the costs of more rescues.

Selecting films   for a relative, a friend,  a workmate  or even yourself in  four easy steps.   



First Think of the person and what you know of their early life. Use Contact Seller  button to  send us an outline of what and where you want  them to remember Early  working life is  often a good starting point.  


Second     We will suggest a choice of the three most appropriate films. The aim going to be an almost unique  DVD with a film that reflects their  past.  Our Archive already contains over eleven hundred such films and most of then are not available from anywhere else. The collection is still expanding.


Third Only when you have selected the most appropriate film  from out choice do you pay for  the  DVD  which we will we make and send it to you. 


Fourth      The magic happens  when you show it.  The DVD will spark off. memories. It is very unlikely that the film will show exactly what he or she remembers but that is the point. Instead you will get a lucid discussion about the difference in techniques shown.


The really surprising  part is how people who have become silent and withdrawn  suddenly become animated. Doctors may have a fancy name for it  but I think it is  just the stirring of long forgotten memories. If you are present when it happens it is like a shaft of light breaking through.

Until we have recommended suitable films and you have approved one or more films BEFORE  you order the appropriate choice. ONLY THEN  do we go ahead and make it and dispatch it.

 Most of the films were never shown in cinemas   

For over 40 years a few of us have been rescuing specialist films as they were disposed of by the original sponsors.   Now we are offering them as DVDs to order. The result may not  be up to commercial standards but they will take viewer back in time and place to some unusual spots. Often the original cameraman found himself  in difficult  positions to get the necessary shots!


Most films like these were originally  made for a particular specialist audience. Others were aimed at more general audiences but were intended to make them feel good about the sponsors

When shown now the first thing that strikes a viewer is how procedures  have changed and how much lower output was.  With the right choice you can find a film that reflects the working life of many  individuals. 

When  the film is shown,  if we have selected right the person concerned will know far more about the subject matter in the film than ANYVBODY ELSE.  Suddenly he or she  will be the expert and that will not stop them criticising the film and the way they are tacking jobs.  That is unimportant if only for a brief spell  they are  back in their prime and holding forth. Truly a magic moment fir those witnessing it. .  

Some typical films. Not likely to suit your  requirements but fits somebody.


How a Housewife manages without a refrigerator. 2353

Danger to platelayers from passing trains.0604

The life of a cadet on shipping. 1037

Sounding the depth of water with a  lead.0573

Early attempts at flying  not all of which succeeded. 0386

Life of a  Shepherd, a Dairyman, or an arable worker  0285,  0173, 299

Bus driver or conductor when they were  still separate jobs 0045

A postman in various parts of the country.0496

The everyday routine of a police constable. 0797

Working in various banks. 0331, 0558 etc

WAFF officer. 1034

Various roles in the Army or the  Royal Navy. 2947 0260 etc

Tinned food for catering when it the servants night off 0299 

Life on Britain's Canals  0438

