Broccoli Ramoso Calabrese Seeds/approx  1000 seeds/Franchi Sementi Italy Vegetable seeds

broccoli seeds Calabrese.

The Calabrese variety is old and resistant to diseases, high yielding, forming dark green heads. "Broccoli", as it is often called, is an extremely useful vegetable. The usable part of the plant are the colored thickened stems, which are collected in the head. In addition to the heads, the lower part of the branches are also edible (stems), but it is best to prepare them for soup, as well as the stems. Because of its elongated and thickened stems it is called asparagus cabbage.

Broccoli is believed to have the strongest antisclerotic properties compared to other cabbage crops. It is a variety of cauliflower. Contains vitamins (C, B1, B2, provitamin A), iron, anticancer substances and more.

It can be steamed, baked, blanched or frozen. Broccoli is used to make pizzas, potato casserole, cream, cheese and meat dishes. For vegetarians, we recommend trying broccoli dip (hummus). Calabrese broccoli can be baked and seasoned with lemon and parmesan. Prepared in this way can be added sliced ​​to spaghetti and pasta (add cream if desired). Great pureed soups and purees are prepared for the little ones. The taste of vegetables combines well with carrots, potatoes and corn.

Broccoli is cold-resistant and prefers cooler and wetter areas. The optimum temperature for its development is 19 degrees Celsius. It grows best on chernozem moist soils with a neutral pH.

In addition to being demanding to humidity and soil, broccoli is good to fertilize. When tilling the soil, before sowing the seeds, fertilize with suitable nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers.

Sowing time for seedlings For early production the seeds are sown between 25 - 30 January. For late production: June 20 - July 5. Time for planting seedlings Seedlings are planted in their permanent place about 40 days after sowing the seeds. Distance from each other The planting scheme is in rows with a distance between plants of 35 - 40 cm and between rows - 70 cm. Fruiting period The vegetation of Calabrese broccoli is 95 - 110 days. Type of cultivation It is grown with seedlings prepared from seeds. Requires regular watering and temperatures of 18 - 20 degrees Celsius, high humidity and neutral soil reaction. It is good to nourish the soil with fertilizers, especially before planting seedlings. Once ripe, the heads are cut off together with about ten centimeters from the stem. After removing the central head, smaller heads of lateral shoots are formed, which are cut several times. It is best to store in shady and cool places.