The Battle of Algiers DVD (2009) Brahim Haggiag, Pontecorvo (DIR) cert 15

Title: The Battle of Algiers Leading Actor: Brahim Haggiag Region: Region 2 Duration: 120 mins Format: DVD / Special Edition Type: DVD No. of Discs: 1 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Trinity Creative Partnership UK Release Date: 31 Aug 2009 Edition: Special Edition

French drama based on the book written by Saadi Yacef about his experiences during the Algerian War of Independence. A reconstruction of events follows the people of Algiers fighting for their independence from the French government, with a flashback from Ali La Pointe (Brahim Haggiag) which shows him joining and becoming a leading member of the Algerian Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) up until his eventual capture in 1957. Both sides escalate their brutality and violence, while children shoot soldiers, women conceal bombs in restaurants and French soldiers take extreme measures to contain the rebels. Following the capture and killing of Ali and the remaining FLN members, the story subsequently focuses on the declaration of Algerian independence in 1962.

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