Hazelnuts are a delicious nut for fresh eating, roasted, ground into a paste or as toppings in chocolate and ice cream. The hazelnut is both tasty and healthy. It is high in vitamins A, E, and the B group.
Hazelnuts are easy to grow: plant two for cross-pollination and abundant crops will come quickly.
With a maximum height of 16 feet and near infinite replication spread, this plant is best grown where it can spread outwards, such as natural areas, windbreak plantings and wildlife shelters. The Hazelnut is attractive to all nut-eaters (e.g., chipmunks) because it is prolific, the kernel is easily accessible. The blue jay, ruffed grouse and some woodpeckers enjoy Hazelnuts.
In history the filbert is commonly known as the "hazel," and has all sorts of superstitious and romantic connotations. If you woo your chosen one beneath a hazel tree, you are assured of success. Forked hazel rods are (were) used by witches in various mystical or nefarious ways. The name "filbert" derives from the time of the nut's ripening: around August 22, which is St. Philibert's Day in England and France. Another etymology has it that "filbert" means "full beard, in reference to the nuts husk.

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Seeds are viable and suitaible for planting. 

If you purchase 3 or more seeds orders from our shop, you will get double amount of the smallest seeds for free!


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