Kalachakra Mandala Thangka Orange Buddhism Painting

Hand painted in Nepal by Sonu (student 7 years)

Measures - 32cm x 31cm

Canvas - Cotton

Paints - Natural mineral pigments, earth pigments and plant dyes




Kalachakra Mandala

Kalachakra is a sanskrit word that means “Time wheel”. It refers to one of the most 

complex philosophies and meditation practices within tantric Buddhism.

The Kalachakra Mandala represent a big palace with 5 distinct levels. Every detail of the 

mandala, from each deity to every adornments of the building, refers to time and the universe 

(Outer Kalachakra) or physical and mental aspects (Inner Kalachakra) as well as the practice.

The Kalachakra mandala represents the wheel of our lives and the time we have in this world
 to make peace with ourselves. This beautiful artwork also symbolizes both individual and 
universal peace and meditating in front of it helps to restore physical and mental balance.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself give lectures during the Tibetan Buddhist Kalachakra 
empowerment ritual explaining the importance of this mandala and the many symbols.


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