Introducing our Hanging Basket Liners, the perfect solution for your gardening needs! Available in 12", 14", and 16" sizes (approximately 30cm, 35.5cm, and 40.5cm), these liners offer convenience, sustainability, and superb functionality. Crafted for effortless installation, these liners are designed to fit seamlessly into your hanging baskets, saving you time and effort in your gardening endeavors. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, our liners make the process hassle-free. But that's not all! We prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. That's why our liners are made from biodegradable and natural fibers, ensuring that your gardening practices align with your eco-conscious values. You can feel good knowing that you're not only beautifying your space but also minimizing your environmental footprint. Moreover, our Hanging Basket Liners are engineered to impress with their remarkable water-holding capacity. Capable of holding up to 4 times their weight in water, these liners ensure optimal hydration for your plants, promoting healthier growth and vibrant blooms. Whether you're adorning your porch, balcony, or garden with hanging baskets, our liners provide the perfect foundation for your botanical creations. Transform your space into a lush oasis with ease, knowing that you have reliable, sustainable, and high-performing liners supporting your greenery. Choose our Hanging Basket Liners and elevate your gardening experience today!