1 (ONE) ounce,,about 145 carat,, lots of the rare crystal Phenacite also called/spelled Phenakite, a  nesosilicate mineral consisting of  beryllium orthosilicate.Each 1 ounce,,,28.5 grams,,, 145 carats,,, lot will be scooped from material as pictured and sizing runs approximately from tiny sand like 1-2 mm pieces to 4-20 mm wide by 3-8 mm deep as presented in the pictures here.Because of the size difference the number of pieces per lot will vary but generally lot contain 45 plus pieces.

Phenacite crystals are rhombohedral with parallel-faced hemihedrism and the fracture is conchoidal. The hardness runs 7 1/2 and colors can be perfectly colorless and transparent, but more often they are greyish or yellowish and only translucent; occasionally they are pale rose-red.Phenacite is found in high-temperature pegmatite veins and in  mica associated with quartz,beryls,apatite and topaz. It has long been known from the emerald and chrysoberyl mine on the Takovaya stream, near Yekaterinburg in Russia and of the Pikes Peak region in Colorado,USA as well as the San Miguel de Paracicaba, Minas Gerias, Brazil,where this material is mined.Metaphysically phenacite is regarded at this time as being the carrier of the Highest Vibration of any known crystal and a powerful activator of the upper Chakra, especially the crown and those above the head.Phenacite help to activate the "light body" and to be able to experience existence in the higher dimensions. Also said to have initiated contact with Light Masters and Angelic beings.It clears, cleanses and activates all Chakra being also able to purify body structure, energy centers and pathways.