1 pc Spare or Replacement parts Fan Blades Hub Holder for  German Christmas Pyramids Fits 16" up to 24" replacement parts for Christmas pyramid

In the Box: 1 pc Fan blade Hub paddles Holder

Pyramid Fan Blades Hub Holder Details are : 

Height: 4.3 inches and Diameter on the largest side is 2.4 inches with 12 pre set holes to fit the 12 fan blades needed ( Fan blades NOT INCLUEDED ) 
  • It is suggested that the Christmas pyramid is a predecessor of the Christmas tree. These pyramids are not limited to Christmas: in the Erzgebirge there was a custom of dancing pyramid decked with garlands and flowers", at the summer solstice. Not actually pyramid-shaped, the Christmas pyramid is a kind of carousel with several levels, some depicting Christian motifs such as angels or manger scenes, and others with more secular motifs such as mountain-folk, forests, and other scenes from the everyday life of people in the Erzgebirge. The spinning motion of the pyramids is traditionally achieved with the help of candles whose rising heat spins a propeller above.