Eucalyptus Dried Leaves Loose Herbal Tea 20g-4.9kg Eucalyptus Globulus


Scientific Name:Eucalyptus Globulus.

Greekherbay means bay with pure aromatic herbs, spices, many types of honey, Greek olive oil, nuts, superfoods, dried fruits, herbal oils, incense, natural sea sponges, Greek handmade soaps with olive oil base, aromatherapy products etc. We have selected unique varieties in flavors and aromas from all over the world as well as the best Greek local organic and conventional certified natural agricultural crops with the best quality.

The decoction (tea) of the plant is mainly used to treat common coughs, colds, sore throats, runny noses.

It is applied externally to the skin against inflammation. It can also be given as inhalations to relieve nasal congestion and gargles for sore throats.

Eucalyptus camaldulensis, River Red Gum, of the Myrtaceae family is a tree originating from Australia, like most of the over 700 species within this genus. In Australia, Eucalyptus species constitute more than three quarters of the vegetation.

Eucalyptus species were first introduced to the rest of the world in 1770, and to the US around 1850. As such, Eucalyptus species are 'young' trees in the history of other continents except Australia.

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