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High school student Kitty Pryde has always been the odd girl out. A mutant, she was born with strange superpowers, magical talents that make her the class freak. But Kitty’s world is changed when she’s invited to study at Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, a special home for mutant teens. There’s just one catch: Kitty’s the only girl at the all-boy school, and she ends up just feeling like a freak all over again.

Then Kitty meets Pyro and the ultra-hot bad boys of the Hellfire Club. They’re the school’s elite–handsome, rich, and totally above the rules. Now Kitty seems to have it all: a dreamy boyfriend, super-cool friends, and the chance to develop her extraordinary talents. But why is her heart telling her that something is wrong? Will Kitty ever find the place where she belongs, or is she doomed to be a misfit forever?


Mangaka: Raina Telgemeier / Dave Roman / Anzu
Verlag: Del Rey
Sprache: englisch
Band: Band 1 von 1 (abgebrochen)


Frontcover: mindestens sehr gut ; Kante unten links minimal berieben
Buchrücken: mindestens sehr gut
Backcover: mindestens sehr gut
Buchschnitt: leicht nachgedunkelt
Beschriftungen: ---
Preisaufkleber: ---

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