Chinese dried yeast balls for wine making.



To make fresh rice wine, rinse the rice and cook with 3 cups unsalted water. Spread the cooked rice out on a baking sheet or plastic cutting board and let it rest until it's cool enough to handle. Pulverize the yeast ball into a fine powder, sprinkle it over the warm rice, and toss to combine powder and rice evenly. Put the mix into an airtight container, and keep warm, about 100-110°F, in a very low oven or wrapped in a heating pad. After a couple of days wine will accumulate at the bottom of the container. Let the mix continue to ferment for another couple of days, or until you like the balance of flavors; then refrigerate.

Sprinkle rice wine over a bowl of fresh fruit, or freeze as is into a sorbet, or use as a marinade for steamed fish or chicken. For Chinese breakfast and dessert soups made with rice wine.