Introducing WEEDOL Lawn Weedkiller, your ultimate solution to conquer those stubborn weeds and restore the lush green beauty of your lawn. Available in four convenient options, including 250 millilitres, 500 millilitres, 1000 millilitres, and an 800 millilitre ready-to-use spray, WEEDOL is designed to provide you with effective weed control tailored to your specific needs. 

Say goodbye to pesky weeds such as white clover, black medick, lesser trefoil, daisy, dandelion, plantain, and common mouse-ear that invade your precious lawn. WEEDOL's powerful formula targets these problem weeds, ensuring their complete elimination from your outdoor oasis. 

What sets WEEDOL Lawn Weedkiller apart is its exceptional season-long control, providing you with lasting results that extend throughout the year. With just one treatment, you can enjoy weed-free bliss, freeing up your time to focus on the activities you love. 

Designed for hassle-free application, WEEDOL is the perfect choice for spot treatments or treating small patches of weeds within your lawn. It's easy mix liquid formulation makes it a breeze to prepare and apply, ensuring a seamless experience for both novice and experienced gardeners. 

Choose the size that suits your requirements best, whether it's the compact 250 millilitre bottle for targeted treatments or the larger 1000 millilitre option for extensive coverage. For ultimate convenience, the 800-millilitre ready-to-use spray is perfect for quick, on-the-go weed control. 

Maintaining a weed-free lawn has never been easier with WEEDOL Lawn Weedkiller. Unlock the true potential of your garden and create an environment where your grass thrives. Trust WEEDOL for superior weed control, allowing you to revel in the beauty of a lush, healthy lawn all year round. 

How to use

Shake well before use and use immediately.

  1. 1. Use either: watering can with a fine rose, or garden sprayer.
  2. 2. Dilute as per the instructions on back of pack.
  3. 3. Direct away from ponds and other surface water bodies.
  4. 4. Wash out sprayer or watering can thoroughly after use.

For best results do not mow for 3 days before or after treatment. Avoid spraying in drought or frost. For new lawns treat in the spring at least 2 months after sowing or laying turf. The new lawn must be growing well. Keep children and pets away from treated area until spray has dried.

Where to use

Use on all established lawns and grassy areas.

How often to apply

One treatment controls most common broad-leaved lawn weeds in one annual application without harming the grass.


Avoid spray coming into contact with cultivated plants. After treatment, leave the clippings from the first mowing on the lawn. The next three mowings should be composted well, for at least 9 months, before being used as a mulch.

Use weed killer products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Used April to September

Q1: How does Weedol Lawn Weedkiller work?

A1: The herbicide mix stimulates the broad leafed weed hormones to make the plant cells grow faster than they are capable of sustaining leading to cell wall collapse and death leaving the grass growing when applied in accordance with the instructions.

Q2: I have a few weeds in my lawn, should I use the Weedol Lawn Weedkiller concentrate or ready to use?

A2: We advise using the Weedol Gun! Lawn Weedkiller (ready to use spray) for just a few weeds. Just give the bottle a good shake, spray to lightly wet the leaf surface on a dry calm day when the weeds are actively growing. A light spray is sufficient to control the weeds, drenching the weed with spray is wasteful. Concentrates are designed for overall application not for spot treatment.

Q3: When can I let my rabbits back on the lawn?

A3: They can go back on the lawn when the liquid has thoroughly dried onto the grass, unless there are poisonous weeds such as ragwort, buttercup etc present. Grazing animals will avoid eating these weeds in their natural state. However, once the weed starts to die (be it from use of a weedkiller or naturally) changes in the way the weeds taste may make them more palatable and they may be eaten by mistake. It is these dying weeds that cause the risk to grazing animals rather than the weedkiller. Where this type of weed is present, or if you are unsure if toxic weeds are present, we recommend keeping grazing animals off the area until the weeds have died and have their remains have been physically removed.

Q4: When is the best time to treat weeds in my lawn?

A4: The best time to treat lawn weeds is between April-September when the weeds are actively growing on a dry calm day. Avoid mowing for 3 days before and after spraying.

Q5: Can I compost the lawn mowings?

A5: Yes, leave the first mowing on the lawn and pick up the next 3 and compost them for at least 9 months.

Q6: Can I use Weedol Lawn Weedkiller on a new lawn?

A6: New lawns must be at least 2 months old and growing well before treatment. Most of the weeds coming up in a new lawn will be annual weeds which will die off with cutting and cold weather.

Redy to use gun 1 litre

Weedol® Gun! Lawn Weedkiller is a pre-diluted ready-to-use selective weedkiller spray for use on lawns, for control of most common broad-leaved weeds.  Kills weeds but not the grass.

When to use








