Famous Funnies, Inc. - Famous Funnies - October 1947 - No. 159.  Articles and stories with pictures in this comic: Steve Roper and Wahoo, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Invisible Scarlet O'Neil, Death Rides The Rapids, Napoleon, Dickie Dare, Pen-Pals, Scorchy Smith, Oaky Doakes, etc...   

SHAPE: Cover shows worn off upper right corner, slight outside edge wear, nick on the bottom edge, worn lower left corner, slight binding edge wear, staples with rust showing from bindig, worn off upper left corner, nick/tear/surface wear on the upper edge, the color is excellent...Back cover shows tear/wear on the upper right corner, staples showing from binding, worn lower right corner, surface wear on the outside edge, little tear on the upper edge, surface crease/surface scuffing, the color is excellent.....Pages on the inside shows brittle/worn off corners, age wear, all pages seems to be intact, the pages are in fair/good shape and color is very good...**Note: Comic is Not Graded** 

Inside has stories, photos, pictures & ads of all kinds (Fisk Bike Tires, Famous Funnies Patterns, Monark Super Deluxe Bike, etc.) of the era. 

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