THE HYPNOTIC LANGUAGE MASTERCLASS - SALAD/Jamie Smart 5 DISCS (4 audio CD, 1 CD-Rom w/ Manual). Jamie Smart, England’s leading NLP trainer, teaches you language patterns for Ericksonian Conversational Hypnosis.  He covers much of NLP’s “Milton Model”, the hypnotic language patterns derived from the work of influential hypnotherapist Dr. Milton Erickson. Also covered is some of NLP’s “Sleight of Mouth”, language patterns to create change and widen perspectives and possibilities in a client’s mind. Topics covered include anchoring, tag questions, embedded commands, future projection and much more.  My suggestion is go to the disc with the manual in PDF and make sure you copy that to your hard drive or phone, that’s a great resource and the best part of this set. In the audio discs, the best information is in discs 3 and 4.