3M EAR Classic Foam Ear Plugs, PP-01-002, SNR 28dB Factory Sealed 100% Hygienic


3M EAR Classic are ideal for noise cancelling the machinery at work, concerts & festivals, riding motorcycles, going shooting & hunting or when you need help sleeping next to someone snoring.

They are the most popular ear plugs in the World & have been trusted by millions of users. They feature moisture resistance, extremely FAST adjustment to the shape of the ear canal (less than one minute) and seal the opening until removed without any discomfort.

3M have used a unique foamed polymer when making these earplugs, this allows for one size to fit most ears. They are very safe and easy to use.

They meet the EN352-2 Standard and have a Rating of SNR28.


1. With clean hands, roll plug into a tight, crease-free cylinder.
2. With opposite hand, reach over head and pull up and back on outer ear to straighten ear canal.
3. Quickly insert earplug well into ear canal and hold in until it expands for a comfortable, secure fit.
4. Discard after several uses or as soon as dirt or wax accumulates on earplugs.

Warnings & Precautions

WARNING: Remove earplug slowly with twisting motion to gradually break the seal. Rapid removal may damage eardrum.

 Keep away from infants, small children and pets.  These earplugs are non-toxic, but may interfere with breathing if caught in windpipe, which could lead to serious injury or death. 

 Improper fitting will reduce effectiveness and could result in hearing loss or injury.

Do not use to seal out water.

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