You - Magazine - Joan Collins Cover and Interview Jan 3rd 2021. Not in perfect condition has a crease in the corner. But if you are a collector of this magazine series or a Joan Collins fan they you may like this.
Ain’t nothing like Dame Joan
She’s a legend, icon and our most enduring movie star of all time. As JOAN COLLINS celebrates
70 years in the business, her best friend Piers Morgan joins her for lunch. And, from sex (‘two times a day is too much, dahling’) to rich men (‘mean and selfish’), nothing is off limits…
Dame Joan Collins elegantly speared a large piece of sea bass at Club 55, our mutual favourite St Tropez beach restaurant, and made a sudden dramatic, table-silencing announcement. ‘This year is my 70th year in the movie business!’ she declared. ‘Sorry, WHAT?’ I replied, astounded by what I’d just heard. ‘You’ve been making films for 15 years longer than I’ve been alive?’
‘Don’t sound so surprised, dahling,’ she chuckled theatrically. ‘I’ve been doing a lot of things for longer than you’ve been alive.’
‘What was your first film?’
‘Lady Godiva Rides Again [released name was Bikini Baby]. I played a beauty contestant.’