Valerian Root Loose Herb Herb 20g(0.7oz)-1.9kg(4.2lb) Valeriana Officinalis.

Origin:European Union.

Valeriana officinalis, commonly known as valerian, is an herb native to Asia and Europe. It is now also grown in the US, China and other countries.

Flowers from the valerian plant were used to make perfume centuries ago, and the root portion has been used in traditional medicine for at least 2,000 years.

Unlike its delicately scented flowers, valerian root has a very strong, earthy odor due to the volatile oils and other compounds responsible for its sedative effects.

Interestingly, the name “valerian” is derived from the Latin verb valere, which means “to be strong” or “to be healthy.” Valerian root extract is available as a supplement in capsule or liquid form. It can also be consumed as a tea.

Remember: Herbs are not a substitute for medicine. For their best and safe use it is better to consult your doctor.