Pike & Shotte - Demi-Culverin (Cannon)

Summary: One unpainted metal cannon and crew for Pike & Shotte.

Pike & SHotte is a 28mm historical tabletop wargame covering the Thirty Years War, English Civil Wars, Italian Wars and Wars of Religion.

Artillery in the 17th century were not like the powerful and devastating equipment of the modern era. While clumsy, difficult to move, and often more frightening than actually dangerous to the enemy, the artillery train was considered a vital part of the army.

Add more devastating firepower to your Pike & Shotte army with this menacing Demi-culverin. This new gun and crew are ideals for sieges or simply breaking up your opponents battleline. 

Cannon with four crew.  Multi-part metal figure, integral bases.  28mm scale. 

Pack contains one gun with crew.   Miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.

    •Manufacturer: Warlord Games

    •Series/Line: Pike & Shotte

    •Stock Number: WGP-EC-59

    •Contents: One (1) miniature

    •Sculptor: N/A

    •Scale: 28mm

    •Material: White metal alloy (lead free)

    •Condition: New

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