Greek Whole Dried Fennel Seeds 20g(0.70oz)-4.9kg(10.80lb) Foeniculum Vulgare


Scientific Name: Foeniculum Vulgare.

"In our store you will find Fennel seeds in the form of whole seeds as well as in powder. Our Greek fennel seed is of excellent quality and one of the most famous and most requested products of our store."

These small Greek green dried Fennel seeds have a very strong aroma and taste that will fascinate you and give a special experience to your food or tea.

It has many uses in cooking. Goes well with fish, meat, bread, used in confectionery.

Preparation of infusion: 

Βoil a cup of water and then pour 1-2 teaspoons of fennel seeds (first beat the seeds a little to break them) and leave it for 10 minutes. Drink the drink 1-3 times during the day.

Rich in Nutrient Ingredients: 

Fennel contains high levels of protein, fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K), minerals (such as iron, magnesium)

Fennel seeds are a seasoning that gives excellent flavor to food.

History Fennel Seeds : The use of fennel as an herb dates back to Greek antiquity and was prominent in the culinary and botanical arts of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and India, as well as in Anglo-Saxon cooking.

Enjoy fennel in tea, baked goods and in your favorite smoothie!

Storage: Store in a dry, dark and cool place for more 1 year.

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