Lipton Ceylonta Tea 100% pure Natural BOPF High Quality Original Ceylon 200g pack free shipping

Product Description

Lipton tea only picks the finest quality blend obtained by Ceylon high grown teas, delivering the ideal color, taste and aroma. It contains tea leaves which are known to have the properties to stimulate the mind gently whilst simultaneously relaxing the body. It gives you self-confidence, because it projects you as a discerning person with all the signs of inner vitality.

5 Health Benefits of Ceylon Tea:

Ceylon tea is known to have a long list of health benefits. Some major benefits include:

Weight Loss

Drinking tea boosts your metabolism, which may help increase energy and help your body burn fat.

Immune System

Ceylon tea is rich in antioxidants, which may increase white blood cells, boost the immune system, and help the body fight disease-causing viruses and harmful bacteria.

Heart Health

Studies have shown that consumption of black tea may help reduce blood pressure. Ceylon tea contains potassium, which relaxes the tension in your blood vessels and arteries.


Drinking Ceylon tea has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels. By helping to regulate the glucose and insulin levels in the body, Ceylon tea may help prevent the spikes and drops that can be dangerous for people with diabetes.


Collagen is important for skin elasticity. Some of the antioxidants that have been identified in Ceylon tea are linked to reducing collagen loss in the skin by preventing oxidative stress in the surrounding cells.


Ceylon tea is typically consumed as a refreshing beverage, freshly brewed and hot, or as an iced tea. Lemon, sweeteners, and/or milk may be added to smooth its strong flavor and reduce bitterness. Because of its caffeine and brisk qualities, it makes for a good morning or afternoon tea.