Garcinia Cambogia (weight loss supplement ) - Ceylon Goraka

Fennel Goraka fruit originated from mostly Sri Lanka having spread to the parts of South Asia in areas such as India, Malaysia, Burma, and Thailand. This fruit has also become popular in Florida and Australia. This tree is not only grown because of the fruits it bears but it has aesthetic value when planted in the compound.

The tree is normally small but blossoms with shiny green leaves that make the compound beautiful. This is a perennial tree as it produces fruits twice a year. It thrives well in sub-tropical and tropical climatic conditions and when planted in well-drained soil.

During the dry spells, the tree can be watered to produce fruits. Though the fruit resembles the sweet mangosteen fruit, this fruit is sour and acidic. The fruits are usually green in color but turn orange color once ripe. The shape of the fruit looks like a pumpkin. The fruit has a big seed in the center while its cover is tough.

Health Benefits.

Treats obesity– This fruit is a natural remedy for obesity. The hydroxycitric acid in it helps in breaking in burning down the fats in the body system leading to weight reduction. Also, the same acid helps in suppressing the pangs of hunger hence reducing the uptake of food that leads to massive weight gain. The fact that this fruit does not contain sugar or calories, when consumed it does not result in weight gain.

Reduces cholesterol– the hydroxycitric acid reduces the cholesterol levels in the body. This is why the fruit should be taken soon after the major meals. This makes the fruit home and natural remedy for the treatment of hypertension and other cholesterol-related conditions in the body.

The fruit produced by the goraka tree is essential in home management and control of blood sugar. The fruit does not contain glucose hence ideal for lowering the blood sugar thus when combined with a proper diet replaces the counter diabetes medicine.

Digestion-related issues – This fruit is best for digestion-related issues such as constipation and bowel problems. This is made possible by the presence of fiber and water in the fruit that enhances digestion.

The fruit is a good source of antioxidants that blocks the multiplication and spreading of cancer cells. The fruits work for colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

inflammatory properties- The fruit has some anti-inflammatory properties that help in preventing inflammatory diseases.

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