Linden Dried Leaves&Flowers Loose Herbal Tea 20g-4.9kg Tilia Cordata

Origin:European Union.

Scientific Name: Tilia Cordata.

Greekherbay means bay with pure aromatic herbs, spices, many types of honey, Greek olive oil, nuts, superfoods, dried fruits, herbal oils, incense, natural sea sponges, Greek handmade soaps with olive oil base, aromatherapy products etc. We have selected unique varieties in flavors and aromas from all over the world as well as the best Greek local organic and conventional certified natural agricultural crops with the best quality.

Linden (linden) or "Flamouri" to the category of herbs, it is a beautiful deciduous tree whose flowers and leaves at the beginning of the summer season (season).

The best known way to consume it is to make a decoction from its flowers and leaves, if you want it to taste sweet you can add a little honey of your choice.

Linden, like the rest of our aromatic herbs, is stored in a cool, dark and dry place and sold in special food-grade airtight packaging, with the aim of preserving the aroma and taste.

The genus name tilia is Latin for Linden and Lime Tree. It is derived from the Greek word ptelea meaning "Elm tree" or tillai meaning "Black Poplar." The translation means "broad" as in "broad-leaved." The species name cordata is Latin for "heart-shaped."

Linden Tea: Add warm water to a cup to which you have added a teaspoon of dried linden flowers. Let them soak for 5-10 minutes. Strain the mixture and the tea is ready to drink

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