About Bounce Back!

Bounce Back! is a whole school program from Foundation to Year 6 which provides students the skills to 'bounce back' when they experience sadness, difficulties, frustrations and challenging times. This completely updated and revised program contains an updated handbook exploring the most recent evidence-based research that underpins Bounce Back! plus ten substantially revised curriculum units, all with updated topics, teaching strategies and resources.

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Dr Helen McGrath
 is an Adjunct Professor in School of Education, Deakin University and the School of Education, RMIT University. She is also a counselling psychologist in private practice, a member of the National Centre Against Bullying and was the lead developer of the eSmart Cybersafety Framework and Investigator on the Australian Government’s Scoping Study on Approaches to Student Wellbeing.

Toni Noble is an Adjunct Professor for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and lead investigator on Australian Government’s Scoping Study on Approaches to Student Wellbeing.