Update 7/6/24=  dispatch will resume on the 18th of June due to holiday


Simple project - building instructions included!


For DUB lovers, DIYers and Experimentalists!

True Analog Transistors Siren, NJD style, this is the siren that has made history in reggae music, dub events, dancehalls and sound clashes, as used by the pioneers of the sound system movement!

This listing is for the bare PCB only, fully tested design for power supply off-board (less noise pollution).

This design provides:

- The Usual output tones plus extra switch ON/ON for distorted sounds .

- The PCB is double sided (to facilitate modification/circuit bends. Open to plenty of circuit modifications, if you know the basics!)

- Rotary Switches can be mounted on or off board, as you like or most suitable to your project enclosure!

- Can be powered by a 9 Volt Battery or 12v DC Power Supply, as you prefer!

I will provide you instructions to complete this project in complete independence :

- Wiring scheme for mechanical components: push buttons, LEDs,

- transistors orientation

- list of components needed plus the naming convention that should be followed as per PCB pattern.

Just follow the instructions provided to make this board produce them legendary sounds!

If you know how to solder and how to complete a puzzle, then . . you got this!

Please bear in mind that I will not take responsibilities for any mistakes made during assembly, can't accept returns as it is very straight forward.

Book a consultation should you need help in customising the unit!
