• Properties:
  • Recommended for intensive moisturizing treatments, increasing skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.
  • - Reduces the depth of deep wrinkles by up to 26% * after 28 days of use.
  • - The hydration level increases by up to 67% *, after one hour from the first application.
  • * Instrumental evaluation
  • Given the complexity of the action of this product, it can be used with good results for every skin type: oily skin - hydration, protection, increased elasticity; normal skin - hydration, protection; dry and mature skin - hydration, regeneration, increased elasticity, anti-wrinkle effects.

  • Way of ussage:
  • Give all the serum at the bottom of the ampoule. To protect your hands, wrap the vial in a napkin before breaking.
  • The entire contents of the ampoule are used for a single application!
  • The contents of an ampoule are poured into the palm of your hand on freshly cleansed skin and applied by light massage on the face, neck and décolleté. Gently massage around the eyes without the product coming into contact with the eyes.
  • The ampoules are used in the morning or in the evening, in cures of 10 days of treatment. For long-lasting anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effects, this treatment is applied monthly.
  • The ampoules are used in the morning or in the evening, in cures of 10 days of treatment. For long-lasting anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effects, this treatment is applied monthly.

  • Precautions:
  • To protect your hands, wrap the vial in a napkin before breaking. The ampoules are pre-cut around the entire circumference of the neck, just like in the pharmaceutical industry, without the need for a rupture cap. The packaging mentions the way the vials are broken, both by text and by image.

  • Presentation:
  • 10 vials x 2 mm
  • If you would like more information about item - ingredients, expiration date, recommendation - Contact by message
    We are not responsible for any changes in the product’s design ( new design, differences in design between US/Europe market ). 
    Packed for ROMANIAN market, that means some box and - or-- information leaflet are in ROMANIAN OR OTHER EU Language
  • NOTE: 
    Seller is not responsible for any fees or drugs interdiction in destination country.
  • Buyer will pay sales taxes and customs fee in his own country.