Attention! - Information to buyers residing in China.   (0263)

Shipping to China has been suspended for several months. The Chinese government prohibits theimport of goods.

If you still want to buy photos, we can keep the purchased goods until shipping is allowed again.

This is no problem for us. But you have to bring patience and time. No one knows how many weeks, months or years it will take for the government to reopen the borders for the movement of goods to China.

If you decide to buy anyway, but change your mind after a few months and ask for your money back, we will have to charge you the eBay fees.

Please take this into consideration when making your purchase!

Achtung! - Information an Käufer mit Wohnsitz in China

Der Versand nach China ist seit einigen Monaten eingestellt. Die chinesische Regierung verbietet die Einfuhr von Waren.

Möchten Sie trotzdem weiterhin Fotos kaufen, können wir die gekaufte Ware solange bei uns behalten, bis der Versand wieder erlaubt wird.

Für uns ist das kein Problem. Sie aber müssen Geduld und Zeit mitbringen. Niemand weiß, wieviel Wochen, Monate oder Jahre es dauert, bis die Regierung die Grenzen für den Warenverkehr nach China wieder öffnet.

Wenn Sie sich trotzdem für einen Kauf entscheiden, es sich aber nach einigen Monaten überlegen und Ihr Geld wieder zurückfordern, müssen wir Ihnen die eBay Gebühren in Rechnung stellen.

Bitte berücksichtigen Sie dies bei Ihrem Kauf!

注意 - 居住在中国的买家的信息











Attention: an important note about international shipping

For the given reason, I have to point out that there can still be considerable delays and returns to the sender when shipping, especially to Asia, due the virus. These delays can last up to 10 weeks! Please be patient and don't complain immediately via eBay with negative ratings, etc... With my buyer protection, you will not suffer any financial disadvantage!


Dear collector of historical old photographs:

I put historical old photos every week in the auction and

in the buy-it-now shop (with the possibility of your price proposal)

Become my follower and don't miss any new auctions


I always try to describe the photos from my collection as accurately as possible.

For all photos that I put up for sale, I assume that they are real old original photos,

which were also developed in a timely manner.

Also in the scans of the photos, I try to show you as accurately as possible.

But it can still be, that with the description something is wrong or that the scans

have slight color deviations to the original.

This can happen, especially with detailphotos of the photos.

If you are not satisfied with a purchase, I will definitely and hurry take the photo

back and you will get your money back without harm.

The seller and the buyer must be satisfied after a deal. Otherwise it will not work.

Before you complain about paypal or eBay or open a case, please write to me.

I'll get back to you within 2-3 days and transfer the money back to you.

Shipping fees are only once for multiple purchases, I send a total bill.

Delivery: Registered Letter, Tracking Number,

100%shipping insurance, secure packaging with cardboard