Knock Out Ant, Insect & Tick Control Granules  - 10 lbs

Use Knock Out Ant, Tick Bug Control Granules in lawns, landscapes, and vegetable and ornamental gardens.

In addition to treating ants, and ticks, Knock Out also controls grubs, mole crickets, earwigs, spiders, centipedes, grasshoppers and others.

The 10-lb. bag will treat up to 8,300 square feet. For best results, water immediately after application.

Carpenter, Red Harvester, Odorous Pyramid, Pharoah (Sugar), Foraging Fire Ants, Armyworms (including Fall Armyworms), Billbug (including Bluegrass Billbug), Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Crickets, Cutworms (including Black Cutworms), Earwigs, Grasshoppers, Mealybugs, Sod Webworms (Lawn Moth), and Weevils (including Hyperodes and Bluegrass), Argentine Ants, Black Turf Ants, Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Fleas (including Cat Fleas), Leafhoppers, Spiders (including Brown Recluse Spiders) and Ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Centipedes, Millipedes, Pavement Ants, Mole Crickets (including Tawny Mole Crickets)

Lawns, Landscapes, Vegetable and Ornamental Gardens

Coverage Area -    Up to 8,300 sq. ft.

Bifenthrin - 0.1%  

1. Maintain your Lawn:

Insects thrive in tall grass, so keep your grass cut short. Remove fallen leaves, dead foliage and other lawn debris, as these create places where insects can lay eggs or start a nest. Trim your shrubs and bushes, and remove unwanted plants growing on or around your home.

2. Get Rid of Standing Water:

Excess moisture in your yard is also attractive to many insects, so an important pest prevention strategy is to keep the moisture level down around the outside of your home. When watering your lawn, try to water earlier in the day to allow ample time to dry. You should also monitor your yard, particularly during rainy seasons, for any drainage issues or standing water that may attract pests.

3. Keep Gutter Clean:

Clogged gutters can overflow and cause pools of water to form around the foundation of your home. They can also become breeding grounds for pests. Keeping your gutters clean is an important component of outdoor pest control.

4. Eliminate Food Sources:

As any pest control company can tell you, most pests will go wherever food can be found. This is particularly true for ants. Once insects have found a food source near your home, they will eventually find a way inside. To prevent this, make sure to remove any sources of food surrounding your home, such as garbage bags, pet food, bird feeders and fallen fruits.

5. Keep pest attractors away from the house:

Pests are often attracted to common yard features such as wood piles or compost piles. While it may not be desirable or feasible to eliminate these entirely, you should store them at least 25 feet away from the sides of your home.

6. Be Careful with Mulch:

Mulching around flower beds and landscape features is a popular way of reducing weed growth and keeping plants healthy, but it can also attract more pests to your yard. If you choose to mulch, use it sparingly and choose one made out of aromatic, insect repelling bark, such as cedar. Keep mulch away from the foundation of your home.

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