Whole Hemp Seeds

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Whole Hemp Seeds 

Product Features
Certified Organic

About Hemp Seeds
The seeds contain all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential ones. Hemp seeds are also a rich source of essential minerals, including magnesium and phosphorus, zinc and iron.
Contain an abundance of ESSENTIAL NUTRITENTS that are: 
BALANCED – on their own they provide much of what your body needs without over-supplying some nutrients while causing a deficiency in others. 
DIGESTIBLE – they don’t require cooking, soaking or crushing, your body can easily take what it needs and eliminate what it doesn’t. So your body isn’t wasting energy or suffering stress the way it does when trying to extract nutrients from animal or processed foods. 
SAFE – unlike many foods we consume daily, Hemp seeds do not burden your body with toxins, allergens, GMO’s or undigested waste materials. 
SUSTAINABLE – you don’t have to kill anything, poison the planet, exploit the ocean or risk anyone’s safety to obtain Hemp Seeds; they grow just about anywhere without needing fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides and require less water than wheat, rice or soy.

Contain the highest amount of PUFAs (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) like Omega 3 and 6 – level with Walnuts for the #1 position at around 47g of PUFAs in every 100g of seeds.
- The highest quality and quantity of Protein. Hemp protein is gluten-free with a complete Amino Acid profile and Hemp is the only plant to make protein from Edestin making it more digestible than other forms of protein like Soy. And unlike Soy doesn’t cause allergies or contain estrogen compounds. Every 100g of Hemp Seeds contain approximately 33g of this high quality protein.
- GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) – one of only five known sources (Borage seed, Evening Primrose seed, Black Currant seed, Carrot seed, Wheatgerm) of this ‘wonder’ oil believed to be important for preventing inflammation. 
- 15 times as much fat-fighting CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) as fish oil. 
- Practically no Carbohydrates with less than half a gram of sugar per 20g serving. 
- Gut-cleansing Fibre. 
- Cholesterol-fighting Phytosterols – 1480mg per 20g serving. 
- Minerals & Vitamins including Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Zinc. Vitamin E plus other Antioxidants. B Vitamins including Folate. Vitamin D3 – the only known plant food source of this bone-building “sunshine” vitamin.

DIGESTIBLE – they don’t require cooking, soaking or crushing, your body can easily take what it needs and eliminate what it doesn’t. So your body isn’t wasting energy or suffering stress the way it does when trying to extract nutrients from animal or processed foods.  SUSTAINABLE – you don’t have to kill anything, poison the planet, exploit the ocean or risk anyone’s safety to obtain Hemp Seeds; they grow just about anywhere without needing fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides and require less water than wheat, rice or soy. - The highest quality and quantity of Protein. Hemp protein is gluten-free with a complete Amino Acid profile and Hemp is the only plant to make protein from Edestin making it more digestible than other forms of protein like Soy. And unlike Soy doesn’t cause allergies