



Emile-Alain Séguy




Folio 09" 1/2  x  12" 2/3  (24 x 32 cm) 


Litho. Beautiful original Pochour Hand Coloring. Very Scarce.


By E-A Séguy

Biography of the Artist.

Emile-Alain Séguy (Aquitaine 1877 – Paris 1951)

Born in a tiny village in New Aquitaine and the son of a textile industrialist, the decorator Séguy studied at the School of Decorative Arts in Paris and soon became one of the most interesting signatures of the Art Nouveau style, first, and of Art Déco, later, working in the decoration of ceramics, jewelery, furniture and textiles, joining the prestigious Atelier Printemps, the artistic laboratory of the Printemps department stores, and publishing a dozen collections of drawings, mainly made with the pochoir technique, at the very popular era.

Description of the work.

We are pleased to offer a selection of prints from the portfolio of the rare and very important Seguy’s artwork “Prismes” published in 1930 by Charles Moreau.

One of his masterpieces, Prismes was released in 1930, in  evidently in Art Deco style which was characterized by its eclecticism, drawing from a variety of sources that sought to combine old European design traditions with the modern style diffused by avant-garde art. Full of geometric, naturalistic and exotic patterns, the book seems to anticipate the aesthetics of the 80s and some works seem to have come out of the catalogs of an exhibition of the Memphis group, or from the archives of many modern fashion stylists. The designs contain a variety of geometric, abstract and semi-abstract motifs executed in various colors, some of them including natural-inspired figures such as birds and flowers., while also reflecting the romantic fascination with early Egyptian and Meso-American "exotic" cultures promoted by archaeological discoveries of the times.


Other plates taken from Séguy's works can be found on the New York Public Library and on that of the Met.

Each finely-executed plate was pochoir-hand coloured. The colors are very vivid and bright.  

Each Folio print measures approximately 09” 1/2 by 12” 2/3  (24 by 32 cm).   

The condition of these prints is very good. There is no foxing

There is no descriptive text.

These Prints are very scarce.