Honey super with observation window & 7 auto plastic combs BPA free 

Harvest honey at a turn of the key with included 1 harvest keys & 7 harvest tubes 
Backyard beekeeping at its best with little disturbance to the bees for a healthy colony and the best tasting honey 
There is no slicing cappings off the comb, no spinning the frames, nor is there a need for an extractor.      A significant amount of labor has been eliminated from the process of harvesting honey. 
The auto hive introduces a new way to harvest honey, by simply turning a lever on the hive. 
The secret is in the auto Frames, which have been specially engineered to surrender the capped honey with just a turn of a lever called the Key.     The key opens a channel within the honeycomb, and the honey drains to a pipe and directly into your container of choice.     Meanwhile, back in the hive, the bees are virtually undisturbed as the honey drains from under their feet.     When you finish draining, you just turn the lever back and the cells are reset and ready to be refilled.

 Package included:

1 x gable roof
1 x inner cover
1 x super box
1 x queen excluder
1 x brood box
1 x bottom board
1 x Assemble manual
7 x frames
7 x tubes
1 x metal key
1 x user guider